Sunday, December 16, 2007

Macbeth Part 2 of several.

Here is the second half to the first act of Macbeth. There are 4 more acts, but they are not as long. Here is where the story picks up its pace. More direct Shakespearian quotes abound.

Lady Macbeth sent a digital message to her husband’s handheld containing only one word: “Come.”

He came.

Immediately following his shutting the door, his wife burst out with, “Your letter has transported me beyond this ignorant present, and I feel now the future in the instant. Your rise to power is at hand”

A short pause followed. “We will speak further.”

Fear not. To ignore fate' favor is to fear: Leave all the rest to me.”

He left, and left all the rest to her.

The evening following the Veldan attack was to be the Macbeth's department’s turn for the obligatory Presidential inspection. Juliee knew such an opportunity would not always present itself so plainly. As part of the formalities of the inspection, the President is required by tradition to spend an entire day with the department, sleep in their quarters, and work as a common employee.

Juliee reminded Macbeth of the President’s imminent visit and explained her murderous intentions. She coerced him into helping the murder the president by using his gifts with computer to deactivate the security cameras throughout the station during the night and disguise the malfunction as another Lednar attack. At first he refused, but, following insults questioning his masculinity, Macbeth agreed to aid in the wicked deed.

President Duncan came—he was a charismatic and powerful leader who never minded spending time with the commoners and was loved by all. During the visit and tour, Juliee played the part of an extraordinary hostess who showed him all around the offices, offered food and drink at every cafeteria (though, as a gentleman, he declined) and answered over-thoroughly every question he asked.

Meanwhile, Jason Macbeth stayed in his office writing, as he often did when troubled.

If only after it was done it would truly be done. I wish that the assassination could be over without consequence. Let it end immediately and nothing come of it. I fear not the murder, but the consequences. Oh the consequences! May the death of President Duncan be the be-all and the end-all. I know that he who teaches bloody instructions will have the blood return to plague the inventor: this even-handed justice Commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice to our own lips. Duncan is here, giving me dual trust as a loyal subject and as his host. As his host I should keep murderers out, not be one! I have no reason to murder my master and kind sovereign, as he has been a humble leader, always willing to help the poor on the station. I’m sure that his virtues will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against the deep condemnation of his death. Heaven’s angels will cry for him and he will not be punished in the least in the life after this. But behold, I have no intentions to stop what has begun, but only vaulting ambition, which over-leaps itself and falls on the other.

He has almost finished eating! What are you doing here?” Juliee startled her fretting husband.

We cannot continue.” Jason was serious.

What?” the Lady exclaimed. “Were you drunk when you wrote your letter to me? I knew from your letter that you knew that we must kill Duncan—for your own sake and peace of mind! Are you a coward? Will you be able to live with yourself as a coward who backs away from any challenge that presents itself?” She paused to wait for a reaction from her husband. Nothing. “Who was it, then, who wrote me the letter insinuating that you intended to take the seat as president for yourself? It could not have been the coward I speak to now. You swore you would go forward with this. As much as I would love a child, I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn, as you have done to this. You can't betray your word.”

What happens if we fail? If the cameras turn on and you are caught? If in the moment of our murdering, a friend of the president enters and discovers us? What then?”

Then we fail!” She inconspicuously read the last sentence on his screen. I have no intentions to stop what has begun, but only vaulting ambition, which over-leaps itself and falls on the other. She knew it would not be long before she could reassure him of their invulnerability. “But we can’t fail with your masterful control over the computers in the station and my unshakable ambition. Nothing can go wrong. We are invincible. What could we not do to the unguarded Duncan? The possibility of our being the murderers will not cross anyone’s mind if we make our grief over his death loud enough.”

Consenting, he ended the disagreement. “I’ll go forward with this. Continue your mocking piety for Duncan, and prepare for becoming the president’s wife.”

1 comment:

Scott Doebler said...

Nice. Why does he want to kill the king? Just a spur of the moment thing? Or is it that he's just going along with the girl? That happens a lot in relationships.