Sunday, December 9, 2007

Due to request by a comment, here are some more writings.

Breaking up with someone is a lot like setting your self on fire while standing in a campground close to a lake. Before you dismiss this as an unsubstantiated claim, hear me out. Dating someone is good, it lets you get to know someone more and get to know what you would like in your future spouse, but it's not all happy and perfect. Sometimes, things just aren't right. Not for any really specific reasons, just because it was not meant to be. But anyway, back to the metaphor. You're just sitting there, and getting covered in gasoline (preparing to break up with your significant other.) And it's all peachy, but your getting more nervous. Sure, you might have done this before, but it's not something that is easy to remember, it's such a fleeting things. So your heart starts pounding with anticipation of the inevitable.

And then you say it. Boom, the match is ignited and you're on fire. The heart panics, you don't know what the reaction might be. Who knows? It might just blow you up and you die instantly (she hates you) or maybe it'll just burn for a while and suck. Sure, she'll be upset, but she can't hate you forever. Probably. So here you are, on fire, because she's ticked and it hurts to have someone you care about hurt. But sometimes, things are necessary. (I don't think I can supoprt self-ignition as a necessity, however.)

Alas! There is respite after the hurt. The lake is near! You can run to the lake as soon as your friends who helped set you on fire (significant other) let you. So it kind of depends on whether she is quick to forgive or if you don't like her enough to care. If she is quick, it is as though your friends let you set yourself on fire on the shore to let you get to water quickly. But if she does not, then you are on fire in the middle of the woods and have to find solace after lots of painful running, which only fuels the fire. Or if you just don't care, then you are close the shore, too...with no friends.

Either way, there is a while of pain in both breakups and self-inflicted human combustion, but there is an inevitable end to both. And boy does jumping in the water feel good.

Ok, maybe they aren't that similar.

I just don't like running around the woods on-fire unsure of where the lake is. It's hard to find the lake when your vision is obscured by fire and your oxygen is being burned all around you as you run in circles, feeding the flame with new oxygen as you cover more ground.


Anonymous said...

haha niiice. mmm, not THAT similar... but I get the point. moral of the story, always break up while inside a canoe. tipping is much easier.

Scott Doebler said...

I can row a boat. Canoe?

Anonymous said...

when you catch on fire... you tip the canoe to extinguish yourself. duh.