Thursday, December 27, 2007

All Purpose Thank You Note

Being after the Holidays, it may become necessary for you to write thank you notes to all the people who gave you a gift. This is always a time consuming process, so I have written an all purpose thank you note. All you have to do is print out enough copies, underline the appropriate options, sign it, and send it! It's so easy!

Dear _______________,

Thank you so much for your (gift, gifts)! (It, They) are great. I have already (wore, used, played with, regifted) (it, them) many times, and (it, they) was exactly what I wanted. I see that you (stuck, did not stick) to the (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus) list I sent you. That decision really paid off. I really love (it, them). It was great to hear from you again! I hope you had as great a (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus) as I did. Thanks again!

(Love, Sincerely, Yours),

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