Thursday, March 13, 2008

If Apple were to market girls, which is wrong:


Anonymous said...

Well, Cam! That's a tad sexist!


Anonymous said...

i am not very fond of this! haha but it is clever.. i'll give you that much! it reminded me of madtv's apple i-rack :P


PS: i found your blog :]

Anonymous said...

awh. hahahaha. you're not sexist. and i was not offended. i think you should put it back up :]

Anonymous said...

Hey Cam,

No worries. I know you're not sexist, it never even crossed my mind.

And by apologizing like this and taking it as seriously as you did, you made it evident how awesome you are. Go you.

And I agree with caitlin. It was clever and definitely reminded me of madtv's irack, which was hilarious.

You're awesome Cam!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

awwww mannnnnn i wish i would have seen this before you took it away.... it was probably funny! tehehe and i kno your not sexist and i will be the first one to agree that girls are irrational, and i am one, so there! tehehe

Anonymous said...

all these girls are just further proving your point. first they say you're sexist, then they say you aren't when you say sorry. which is it, girls? if that flip flopping isn't irrational, then i don't know what is.

Scott Doebler said...

You're lame, Cam. Put it back up...please.

"It's a revolution, dammit, we're going to have to offend somebody!"
-Mr. Feeney in 1776

Cameron Hilker said...

Hmmm... well... I suppose I'm in quite a predicament. First people complained. Then I retracted the post. Then the complainers retracted the complaints. I'll make everyone happy (or everyone mad) and put it at the bottom of the apology.

Anonymous said...

mr. feeny is da bomb.