Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Difference Between Little Kids Playing Video Games and College Kids

Word mashups 2

Ingredients: Humidity+muggy
Definition: You know. Those days that are so humuggity that you fear going outside.

Ingredients: Clap+laughter
Definition: Applause and laughter at a performance--which is the best gift you can give a performer.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Use The Force!

From a CNN article about pirates off the coast of Somalia:
I think he's watched too much Star Wars

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Science Worksheet

There's a worksheet in my science class on dating relatives...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why Are Bags of Chips Already Half Eaten When I Open Them?

Signs I Use Technology Too Much

1. While studying, instead of using a glossary I try to use ctrl+F so I can find stuff quickly, only to find it doesn't exist in real life.

2. While writing things out (by hand!) I wonder why there's no red squiggly under something I know I spelled wrong.

3. I check my real mail box several times a day, hoping mail comes when someone sends it, instead of only once a day.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I invented that word, and Camdoe is the only spot on the internet where it is used. Pretty freaking awesome.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008



Thursday, November 13, 2008


I've found that if I'm just caught up with a class, then I'm behind. Sooner or later I'm going to have a really big reading assignment or project or paper that is going to kick the snot out of my sittin' around time. I have to work ahead to stay on time, which stinks because procrastination is my forte.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

JAPAN! Part juu go

Dragon Ball Z is pretty exciting.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Thought About Tools

Saturday, November 8, 2008

AIM Conversations and Endless Pauses

Imagine for a moment you are having a serious face-to-face conversation with a friend sitting on couches in your living room. Mid-sentence, he stands, walks out of your house and drives away. You sit, staring at the couch where he was sitting, waiting for some sort of closure. After perhaps five minutes, you go and find something else to do, perhaps a bit miffed. Two hours later, your door opens, your friend walks in, sits on your couch and finishes the sentence he started two hours before, not caring whether you're sitting there or not.

Why do we let it happen online but not in real life?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Facebook Statuses

I found it hilarious about how worked up everyone was last night. It was a historic night, and, depending on who you wanted to win, it was either great or a major bummer. But I was surprised by the election fervor I saw when I went on facebook:


I'm not saying you have you like Obama, but I do think people should respect the will of the people and quit whining. Elections are what democracy is all about. Sometimes people in a democracy need to compromise, and other times people need to admit defeat altogether. That's how it works. And you know what is so great about America? If Obama sucks it up in the White House, we can elect a new leader in just four years! So everyone just relax. But I'm pretty sure things can't get any worse, than they are right now.

An Apology

So, I don't know if you remember me, but I used to post on this blog a lot. The idea for this blog has been, and always will be Cam and me putting up whatever we feel like. And this includes putting up nothing at all. That is what I have done for quite some time, and I hope you can forgive me. I'm sorry I haven't posted for so long, and I am going to start posting again.

That being said, I have proved once and for all that I am the greatest procrastinator in history! I know you're thinking to yourself, "Well, Scott, there's no way you are a better procrastinator than I! How long did you put off posting?" Seventy-nine days, buddy. Count them. I just never felt like it, so I just didn't. If you have ever come close to procrastinating for seventy-nine days, I recommend you tell me about it in the comments section.