Monday, October 27, 2008


Weird... I got my absentee ballot for the state of Indiana, with a Kansas stamp (click on it to see better)

Sunday, October 26, 2008


For over a half-hour last night, Mike and I sang everything we said to one another, as though we were in an opera or musical. It was amazing. If you need some laughs, and don't care if strangers stare at you, go sing. Sing everything. It doesn't matter if you can't sing (like me), just do it, and you'll have fun. Have conversations with people in song. Sing about ANYTHING that is going on. I promise you will have fun.

Unfortunately we didn't have a video camera, or I would have shared with you some of our classics such as: "This is the First Time I've Worn Jeans Since 8th Grade," "Is it OK if We're Late to this Party?" "Why Did You Carry This Tree Around?" and finally, "It is Hard to Sing at this Fast Waltz Tempo"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Way to leave my options open

Well, I guess I have no choice...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

JAPAN! Part juu yon

Let me translate:
Alcohol Tobacco
Bank ATM
I'm glad they have their priorities straight.

*shakes head*

Friday, October 17, 2008

JAPAN! Part juu san

Dang, vending machines are popular in Japan. 8 in a row! And there's a guy on top!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

JAPAN! Part juu ni

Please refrain from the inside of a store eating and drinking.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

To-do Lists

I find that if I don't make to-do lists, I have a lot more free time.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Are there two different factories with different ingredients?

Why do some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups taste better than other ones? The ones I just ate were awesome, but the ones I ate yesterday sucked.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

This one's subpar.

subpar: adj.
1. Not measuring up to traditional standards of performance, value, or production.
2. Below par in a hole, round, or game of golf.

To get below par is to be above the standard of performance.

I believe subpar is an inherently self-contradictory word.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Uh. This needs to stop.

Ok, that's my bed. That's my roommate's pillow and his blanket on my bed. I was gone for the weekend and when I came back, I found his stuff on my bed. What the heck?! WHO SLEEPS ON SOMEONE ELSE'S BED WHEN HIS BED IS LESS THAN 10 FEET AWAY?! And he's not here to complain to, so I'm complaining at you!