Saturday, September 20, 2008

Word mashups

There are lots of common word mashups (ginormous, huge-antic et cetera) but I've discovered some that aren't yet in wide use. I'm hoping to expand their usage by posting them here.

Ingredients: Annoying+obnoxious
Definition: Absurdly bothersome.

Ingredients: Fact+Fabricate
Definition: When you say something that sounds like a fact, so you pretend it is. Sometimes these factrications can be the basis of discussions for classes or just debates between friends. The key is to never let anyone know you made it up.

There are more, but none are coming to mind right now.

1 comment:

P.Sawyer said...

Yeah I'm not really into all that techno junk either but I really like that song Anywho yeah I'm from Valpo! Maybe we know each other? I have no idea. Haha I just clicked on the searched Valpo on here and a ton of people came up.. and you were one of them!